Learning Journeys

Become a Coaching Leader and start unlocking the full potential of others

The Coaching Leader is a new and exciting program designed to equip leaders with the coaching mindset and skills needed to enable and empower others to navigate and thrive during times of rapid change and uncertainty.



People Managers & Team Leads



13 Jul - 7 Dec 2024



In Person & Virtual

Class Size


1 : 10 Ratio Facilitators to Learners

The world is changing at unprecedented rates, and it would be foolish to expect leaders to know all the answers or rely on a military style of command and control. Now more than ever, leaders need to engage in meaningful conversations that enable and empower others.

23% of jobs are expected to change by 2027, with 69 million new jobs created and 83 million eliminated

44% of workers’ skills will be disrupted in the next five years

50% of all employees will need reskilling by 2025

Source: World Economic Forum Future of Jobs Report 2023

Adaptability, agility, and resilience have become critical areas of focus for organisations worldwide as employees struggle to navigate change and deal with uncertainty. This is where coaching leaders provide that much-needed support.

Coaching leaders play a critical role in helping others to extract learning, navigate change, deal with uncertainty, seize opportunities, and achieve sustainable growth in the ever-evolving business landscape.

The Coaching Leader is a new and exciting program designed to equip leaders with the coaching mindset and skills needed to enable and empower the people around them to navigate and thrive during times of rapid change and uncertainty.



Retail Price: $8,500

Pilot Price: $4,250

Multiple Learners: Special pricing is available to organisations that want to send multiple learners.

Customisation: Special pricing is available to organisations that want a customised version for their teams and/or departments.

Program Overview

The Coaching Leader is a new and exciting program designed to equip leaders with the coaching mindset and skills needed to navigate and thrive during these uncertain times. It has been designed to fulfil the International Coaching Federation's requirements for a Level 1 accreditation and includes 70 hours of coach-specific education and 10 hours of mentoring.


A 2-day in person conference at the beginning of the program. The objective is to kickstart the learners on their journey by building a strong foundation.

The Midway

An 8-hour in person conference in the middle of the program. The objective is to ensure what has been learned is embedded.

6 x Learning Units

3-hour virtual workshops focused on a specific topic. The objective of these workshops is to deep dive into topics.

3 x Coaching Labs

3-hour virtual coaching labs focussed on ensuring that what was covered in the learning units is being applied.

10 Hours of Mentoring

Mentoring with a program leader. The objective of these sessions is to support you throughout your journey.

4 x Fieldwork Assignments

A series of very real post learning activities that re designed to put what has been learned into practice.

Development Centre

An 8-hour in person conference at the end of the program. The objective is to further develop learners and set them up for success going forward.


An opportunity for leaners to let their hair down, unwind and celebrate a mammoth achievement.

Why Signup for the Coaching Leader?



Learn how to integrate coaching into various workplace conversations



Learn from program leaders with over 50 years of 'real 'world' experience



Learn in bite-sized chunks outside of normal working hours and over weekends

Program Objectives & Learning Outcomes

Learn how to incorporate coaching into everyday conversations at work while meeting the International Coaching Federation's core competencies and code of ethics.

Learn how to distinguish between instructing, mentoring and coaching and when they should be applied.
Learn how to ‘stand out’ and ‘step up’ as a leader by integrating a coaching mindset and approach
Learn how to deepen human connection, rapport, and trust by engaging in meaningful conversations with others
Learn how to increase your influence and enhance the quality of your conversations by listening and responding more profoundly.
Learn how to help creativity and innovation flourish by empowering others to think critically and creatively.
Learn how to cultivate resilience, adaptability and growth by supporting others through times of change and uncertainty.
Learn how to be a catalyst for development by empowering others to thrive personally and professionally.
Learn how to manage performance by creating meaningful targets and engaging in regular performance conversations.

Program Schedule

John Nielsen

John Nielsen

John is a Professional Certified Coach and a co-facilitator at Northpoint.

John is passionate about people. He has been coaching leaders and running leadership programs for over a decade and brings with him more than 30 years experience in building, leading, and transforming global IT organisations.

Ivan Foo, PCC

Ivan Foo

Ivan is a Professional Certified Coach and a co-facilitator at Northpoint.

Ivan is incredibly passionate about people and the stories they bring. He has more than a decade of headhunting and recruitment experience, servicing global Technology and Consulting firms in their talent needs.

Jim Livingstone

Jim Livingstone

Jim is a Professional Certified Coach and the Founder and Chief Learning Officer for Northpoint.

Jim is incredibly passionate about leadership, and believes that it is so much more than productivity scores and numbers on a P&L. He has been coaching leaders, running leadership programs and writing about leadership for over 15 years, and backs it up with over 20 years ‘real world’ experience in the media industry.

Program Schedule

Learning Element


Date & Time Commitment



(In Person)

 13 & 14 Jul 2024

9am to 5pm

FA1: Fieldwork Assignment

Fieldwork Assignment

Due 24 Jul 2024

2 Hours

LU1: Listening

 Learning Unit


25 Jul 2024

9am to 12pm

LU2: Responding & Awareness

Learning Unit


7 Aug 2024

9am to 12pm

LU3: Goal Setting

Learning Unit


22 Aug 2024

9am to 12pm

CL1: Coaching Lab

Coaching Lab


5 Sept 2024

2 Hours

FA2: Fieldwork Assignment



Due 19 Sept 2024

2 Hours

The Midway


(In Person)

 21 Sept 2024

9am to 5pm

LU4: Development Conversations

Learning Unit


 3 Oct 2024

9am to 12pm

FA3: Fieldwork Assignment

Fieldwork Assignment

Due 2 Oct 2024

2 Hours

CL2: Coaching Lab

Coaching Lab


3 Oct 2024

2 Hours

LU5. Feed Forward Conversations

Learning Unit


24 Oct 2024

9am to 12pm

LU6. Performance Conversations

Learning Unit


7 Nov 2024

9am to 12pm

FA4: Fieldwork Assignment

Fieldwork Assignment

Due 13 Nov 2024

2 Hours

CL3: Coaching Lab

Coaching Lab


14 Nov 2024

2 Hours

Development Centre & Graduation


(In Person)

7 Dec 2024

9am to 5pm

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Northpoint was founded on the belief that leaders have the power to ignite change and make a positive impact, and that everyone has the potential to make a difference.