Become a Certified Coaching Leader and start unlocking the full potential of others
The Coaching Leader is an International Coaching Federation accredited program designed to equip leaders with the coaching mindset and skills to engage in authentic, meaningful, and transformative conversations.
People Managers & Team Leads
24 Weeks
In Person & Virtual
Minimum 16 - Maximum 24
The world has changed. It is more complex, dynamic and interconnected than ever, and the traditional military style of command and control is obsolete. Now, more than ever, leaders need to engage in authentic, meaningful conversations that:
- Empower and enable others to navigate change and thrive
- Enhance individuals’ performance, skills and confidence
- Create space for diverse perspectives and ideas to emerge
- Cultivate a culture of accountability, innovation and growth
The Coaching Leader is an International Coaching Federation accredited program designed to equip leaders with the coaching mindset and skills to engage in authentic, meaningful, and transformative conversations.
Graduates of The Coaching Leader are eligible to apply for an Associate Certified Coach (ACC) Credential once they have met all the credentialing requirements.
Multiple Learners: Special pricing is available to organisations that want to send multiple learners.
Program Overview
The Coaching Leader is an International Coaching Federation accredited program designed to equip leaders with the coaching mindset and skills to engage in authentic, meaningful, and transformative conversations. It includes 70 hours of coach-specific education and 10 hours of mentoring.
A 2-day in person conference at the beginning of the program. The objective is to kickstart the journey with a strong foundation.
The Midway
An 8-hour in person conference in the middle of the program. The objective is to ensure what has been learned is embedded.
6 x Learning Units
3-hour virtual workshops focused on a specific competency. The objective is to deep dive into each competency.
4 x Fieldwork Assignments
A series of very real post learning activities. The objective is to put what has been learned into practice.
10 Hours of Mentoring
Mentoring with a program leader. The objective of these sessions is to support you throughout your journey.
3 x Coaching Labs
3-hour virtual coaching labs focussed on ensuring that what was covered in the learning units is being applied.
Development Centre
An 8-hour in person conference at the end of the program. The objective is to further develop learners and set them up for success.
Online Learning Resources
Access to an online resource jam-packed with bite-sized explainer videos, demonstrations and templates.
An opportunity for leaners to let their hair down, unwind and celebrate a mammoth achievement.
Alumni Support
Learn from other leaders who have graduated from the program as they share their experiences as coaching leaders.
Why Signup for the Coaching Leader?
Learn how to integrate coaching into various workplace conversations
Learn from program leaders with over 50 years of 'real 'world' experience
Learn in bite-sized chunks outside of normal working hours and over weekends
Program Objectives & Learning Outcomes
Learn how to incorporate coaching into everyday conversations at work while meeting the International Coaching Federation's core competencies and code of ethics.
Learn how to ‘stand out’ and ‘step up’ as a leader.
Learn how to deepen human connection, rapport, and trust.
Learn how to cultivate adaptability, resilience, and mental well-being
Learn how to be a catalyst for learning and growth.
Learn how to enhance performance, skills and confidence.
Learn how to apply the core competencies of an ICF ACC.
Program Leaders
Jim Livingstone
Jim is a MCC Trained Professional Certified Coach, Team Coach and the Founder and Chief Learning Officer for Northpoint.
Jim is incredibly passionate about leadership, and believes that leaders have the power to ignite change. He has been coaching leaders, running leadership programs and writing about leadership for over 15 years, and backs it up with over 20 years ‘real world’ experience in the media industry.
John Nielsen
John is an MCC Trained Professional Certified Coach, and Senior Learning Partner at Northpoint.
John is passionate about people. He has been coaching leaders and running leadership programs for over a decade and backs it up with more than 30 years experience in building, leading, and transforming global IT organisations.
Program Schedule
Learning Element |
Format |
Date & Time Commitment |
Kickstart |
Conference (In Person) |
26 - 27 April 9am to 5pm |
FA1: Fieldwork Assignment |
Fieldwork Assignment (Recorded Practice) |
2 Hours |
LU1: Listens Actively |
Learning Unit (Virtual) |
14 May 9am to 12pm |
LU2: Evokes Awareness |
Learning Unit (Virtual) |
28 May 9am to 12pm |
LU3: Goal Setting |
Learning Unit (Virtual) |
11 June 9am to 12pm |
CL1: Coaching Lab |
Coaching Lab (Virtual) |
Week of 16 June 2 Hours |
FA2: Fieldwork Assignment |
Fieldwork Assignment (Recorded Practice) |
2 Hours |
The Midway |
Conference (In Person) |
21 June 9am to 5pm |
LU4: Development Conversations |
Learning Unit (Virtual) |
2 July 9am to 12pm |
FA3: Fieldwork Assignment |
Fieldwork Assignment (Recorded Practice) |
2 Hours |
CL2: Coaching Lab |
Coaching Lab (Virtual) |
Week of 7 July 2 Hours |
LU5. Feed Forward Conversations |
Learning Unit (Virtual) |
16 July 9am to 12pm |
LU6. Performance Conversations |
Learning Unit (Virtual) |
30 July 9am to 12pm |
FA4: Fieldwork Assignment |
Fieldwork Assignment (Recorded Practice) |
2 Hours |
CL3: Coaching Lab |
Coaching Lab (Virtual) |
Week of 11 August 2 Hours |
Development Centre |
Conference (In Person) |
30 August 9am to 5pm |