
The Leader as a Coach

The Leader as a Coach; 5 Attributes of a Coaching Mindset

I don't have time to coach people... It's easier if I tell them what to do... It's quicker if I do it myself... You can't coach people who don't know what they don't know... If I don't provide the answers they will think I don't know... It's my job to solve problems...

Bias Balance

Bias could be limiting your progression. What you can do about it?

Whether you like it or not, we have all been guilty of bias at some point in time. We have all behaved a certain way, made decisions or passed judgement that was influenced heavily by bias.

Leadership Development Framework

Why Every Organisation Needs a Leadership Development Framework

The war on talent still rages. Adapt and evolve is the name of the game in these volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous times, and it’s the depth of an organisation’s leadership pipeline that will determine whether they survive or thrive.

Keeping Talent from Leaving

How do we keep our top performers from leaving for better-paid​ opportunities?

How do we keep our top performers from leaving? We can't compete with the salaries being offered by some of the MNCs and startups!!!

Four Questions Every Leader Must Ask

Four Questions Every Leader Must Ask

They are the 4 questions that every leader must ask, and they are also the process behind every coaching conversation...

Must Have Leadership Attributes

Six Must Have Leadership Attributes

Think about the most admired and respected leaders you know... Now ask yourself what is it that makes them stand out from the rest?

Wasted Money

Common causes of ineffective training and methods to improve its effectiveness

Ten years ago we brought together fifty L&D professionals from a variety of different organisations to discuss Why Training Fails; what Harvard Business Review dubbed, The Great Training Robbery.

Good Boss Bad Boss 2020

Good Boss Bad Boss: What attributes do they possess?

I was recently asked by a potential coaching client to share my views on what makes a good leader. Now, this was a very interesting question for three reasons:

Culture Change

Breakfast Exchange: Why Culture Change Initiatives Fail

It is estimated that over 75% of culture change initiavies fail. In this special invitation only breakfast exchange we explore what is culture.

Northpoint Logo

Northpoint was founded on the belief that leaders have the power to ignite change and make a positive impact, and that everyone has the potential to make a difference.